
Physics and Astronomy

Naturwissenschaft und Technik auf Briefmarken
Physik, Astronomie, Astrophysik, Mathematik,
Chemie, Medizin, Technik

Science and Technology on Stamps

European countries, mainly physics, astronomy, astrophysics, mathematics
also chemistry, medical science, technology.

Biographical details added from en.wikipedia.org

NP-Ph = Nobel Prize in Physics
NP-Ch = Nobel Prize in Chemistry
NP-PM = Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Nobel Prize laureates in Physics, Chemistry, and Physiology or Medicine

Alphabetical Index


Al-Biruni 973

Avicenna (980)


------------ 1000 -------------

---------- 1400 ---------

Duerer, Albrecht 1471

Kopernikus, Nikolaus 1473

-------- 1850 -------

Braun, Ferdinand 1850

Buchner, Eduard 1860, NP-Ch 1907

Marconi, Guglielmo 1874, NP-Ph 1909
Stark, Johannes 1874,
NP-Ph 1919
Krogh, August 1874,
NP-PM 1920


-------- 1875 --------

Dale, Henry Hallett 1875, NP-PM 1936

Davisson 1881, NP-Ph 1937

Staudinger, Hermann 1881, NP-Ch 1953

Warburg, Otto 1883,
NP-PM 1931
Debye, Peter 1884,
NP-Ch 1936

Chadwick, James 1891,
NP-Ph 1932

Szilard, Leo 1898

Ziegler, Karl 1898,
NP-Ch 1963

Tauschek, Gustav 1899


-------------- 1900 --------------

Granit, Ragnar 1900, NP-PM 1967

Joliot-Curie, Frederic 1900, NP-Ch 1935

Gabor, Dennis 1900, NP-Ph 1971

Pauli, Wolfgang 1900, NP-Ph 1945

Kuhn, Richard 1900, NP-Ch 1938

Tiselius, Arne 1902,
NP-Ch 1948

Brattain, Walter 1902,
NP-Ph 1956

Natta, Giulio 1903,
NP-Ch 1963

Powell, Cecil 1903,
NP-Ph 1950

Onsager, Lars 1903,
NP-Ch 1968

Theorell, Hugo 1903
, NP-PM 1955

Neel, Louis 1904,
NP-Ph 1970

Herzberg, Gerhard 1904, NP-Ch 1971

Bloch, Felix 1905, NP-Ph 1952

Ochoa, Severo 1905, NP-PM 1959

Bethe, Hans 1906, NP-Ph 1967

Ruska, Ernst 1906,
NP-Ph 1986

Yukawa, Hideki 1907,
NP-Ph 1949

Alfven, Hannes 1908,
NP-Ph 1970

Bardeen, John 1908, NP-Ph 1956, 1972

Landau, Lew Davidowitsch 1908,
NP-Ph 1962
Frank, James 1908,
NP-Ph 1925

Libby, William Frank 1908,
NP-Ch 1960

Hodgkin, Dorothy 1910, NP-Ch 1964

Ramsey, Norman 1915, NP-Ph 1989

Taube, Henry 1915, NP Ch 1983

Ryle, Martin 1918,
NP-Ph 1974

Feynman, Richard 1918,
NP-Ph 1965

Sanger, Frederick 1918, NP-Ch 1958 and 1980

Sakharov, Andrei 1921,
NP-Peace 1975

Yang, Chen Ning 1922,
NP-Ph 1957

Basov, Nikolay 1922,
NP-Ph 1964

Hewish, Antony 1924,
NP-Ph 1974

Charpak, Georges 1924, NP-Ph 1992

Wiesel, Torsten Nils, 1924 NP-PM 1981


-------------- 1925 --------------

Esaki, Leo 1925, NP-Ph 1973

Klug, Aaron 1926, NP-Ch 1982

Hubel, David H. 1926 NP-PM 1981

Penzias, Arno 1933,
NP-Ph 1978

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2022 J. Giesen