Chaos Game
laneousLevania Applet
Image source: http://www.um.zagan.pl/kepler/kwz.htm
Johannes Kepler's (1571-1630) work "Somnium, sive Astronomia Lunaris" (A Dream, or Lunar Astronomy) is a fantastic tale of a journey to the Moon, which is called Levania by its inhabitants. The short work was published posthumously in 1634 by Kepler's son Ludovico.
Embedded in the narrative frames Kepler describes in details how astronomical observations might appear if they were conducted on the Moon.
The Moon is in synchronous rotation, keeping nearly the same face turned toward Earth at all times. One hemisphere of Levania (Moon) is always facing the Earth and one facing away, separated by the Divisor. Its inhabitants call the former hemisphere Subvolva (UnderEarth), and the latter Privolva (deprived-of-Earth). Our marvellous blue planet will never be seen from Privolva (Volva=Earth).
Somnium applet:
View of the Earth from the Moon My Java applet is simulating the motions of the Earth and the Sun around the Moon (selenocentric motions), and for comparison, the geocentric motion of the Moon.
You may use the keys d, m or h to increase the date, month, or hour,
or Shift key and d, m or h to decrease the date, month, or hour !
Click the applet first !
Use the keys s and g to switch between selenocentric and geocentric view.
Choose various view options from the menu.
Geocentric ecliptical position of the Moon:
distance R, ecliptic longitude L, and latitude B.
Heliocentric ecliptical position of the Earth, and
Greenwich hour Angle GHA of the Sun.
The (optical) libration of the Moon in longitude.
The angle is magnified by 2 in the applet.
Some observations in Levania:
Earliest sunrise in Subvolva
Latest sunset in Privolva
2007 Jan 25 at 23 UT
JD 2454126.46
Latest sunset in Subvolva
Earliest sunset in Privolva
2007 Feb 10 at 10 UT
JD 2454141.92,15.46 days later
subvolvian day, privolvian night
The next sunrise is on Feb 24 at 8 UT (JD 2454155.83), 29.4 days after the first. The mean synodic orbital period is 29.53 days.
2007 Jan 19 at 4 UT:
Full Earth in Subvolva
New Moon on Earth
Solar eclipse in Subvolva on 2007 Mar 03, 23 UT
total lunar eclipse on Earth
Eclipses of the Sun and Moon (USNO)
Annular eclipse of the Earth on 2007 Mar 19 at 3 UT
partial solar eclipse on Earth
Eclipses of the Sun and Moon (USNO)
Somnium applet:
View of the Earth from the Moon
More applets
Moon Motion (geocentric)
Moon DataMore details:
Cosmic voyages: authors and texts
Applet: Solar System Simulator (Keith McClary)
watch the selenocentric motion of the Sun, the Earth, Venus, and Mars...
Web Link
Kepler's Somnium: Science Fiction and the Renaissance Scientist
Cosmic Voyages
Dictionary of the History of Ideas, Univ. of Virginia
Johannes Kepler: Somnium, seu Opus posthumum de astronomia lunari
(gallica, bibliothèque numérique de La Bibliothèque nationale de France)
Die Bewegung des Mondes (PDF, U. Backhaus)
Der Mond, das unbekannte Objekt (U. Backhaus)
Dokumente, Powerpoint-Präsentationen, Programme für Windows
Lukian von Samosata: Die Wahre Geschichte (Projekt Gutenberg)
darin: eine Reise zum Mond
Lucian of Samosata: The True History, Book I
G. A. Bürger: Freiherr von Münchhausen:
Zehntes Seeabenteuer. Eine zweite Reise nach dem Monde.
R. E. Raspe: The Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen
Chapter XVIII: A second trip to the Moon
Books Günther, Ludwig: Keplers Traum vom Mond, B.G. Teubner, Leipzig 1898.
Johannes Kepler: Der Traum, oder: Mond-Astronomie. Somnium sive astronomia lunaris, aus dem Lateinischen von Hans Baumgarten, herausgegeben und mit einem Leitfaden für Mondreisende von Beatrix Langner. Matthes & Seitz, Berlin 2011.
Edward Rosen: Kepler's Somnium: The Dream, or Posthumous Work on Lunar Astronomy, Dover Publications 2003.
Jaritz, Kurt: Utopischer Mond. Mondreisen aus drei Jahrtausenden.
Stiasny, Graz 1965.
Brunner, W.: Von Stern zu Stern. Eine Weltschau von verschiedenen Himmelskörpern aus, Rascher & Cie., Zürich 1923.
Kepler's Somnium: The Dream, or Posthumous Work on Lunar Astronomy.
Dover Publications 2003
© 2007-2023 J. Giesen
Last update: 2023 Oct 05