Mercury Chaser's Calculator
by John Walker
compute the hour of greatest elongation
To display the date, time, and distance of the maximum elongations of Mercury for a given year, enter the year in the box below and press "Calculate". Depending on the speed of your computer, it may take a while for the results to appear in the text boxes. This page requires your browser to support JavaScript, and that JavaScript be enabled; all computation is done on your own computer so you can, if you wish, save this page in a file and use it even when not connected to the Internet. References
September, MIM This document is in the public domain and may be used in any manner without permission, restriction, attribution, or compensation. Back links to Mercury Chaser's Calculator are welcome. |
To compute the UT hour of
greatest elongation go to
select target body (Venus or Mercury), set the time span to the date indicated above (step e.g. 1 hour), and select 'Sun-Observer-Target ELONG angle' in the table settings. |